On the 17th June our team volunteers will take on the London Legal Walk to #GoTheDistance for detainees.
Each walker has pledged to walk 10km and to raise vital funds for our work providing free legal advice for people detained under immigration powers in the UK.
We caught up with Lubka about why she has decided to walk with BID for the third year in a row:
“Being a migrant myself, I instantly knew that this was a cause I wanted to keep on contributing to.”

“Following the first London Legal Walk I did for BID they invited me to come along to their annual general meeting, where I had the opportunity to find out even more about their work and meet and speak to their staff.
"It was eye-opening to try and understand the current state of immigration detention in the UK - and saddening to realise how little it’s being spoken about. Being a migrant myself, I instantly knew that this was a cause I wanted to keep on contributing to.”
In the lead up to the walk, BID’s team has been working out different ways to fundraise, hoping to beat last year’s £2725.88 total. Lubka hosted a fundraiser last weekend to rally her friends and family to donate.
“We’ve recently hosted a fundraiser at my house and invited friends to come along. We took care of the food and the guests were more than happy to bring their own drinks.
“We also did a mini bake sale on the day with some of my friends bringing along cakes and biscuits. (We even tried charging them for using the toilet, but failed to monitor the situation properly!)

“In between the meals we hosted a mini quiz using the Kahoot website, which was made up of a mix of questions about BID, its work and the state of immigration detention in the UK, but also some random questions (including who was and who should have been the winner of Eurovision!). And of course we even had a mini prize-giving ceremony at the end!”

Every penny raised by team BID goes straight towards providing desperately-needed legal advice to people detained in removal centres and prisons across the UK.
If you are feeling inspired to support our work why not sponsor our team to #GoTheDistance and if you are feeling extra inspired it isn’t too late to sign up and help us fundraise.