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We are thrilled to announce that the Noon magazine has released a collection of limited edition t-shirts to raise money for BID.

Noon is a bi-annual magazine dedicated to art, commerce and digital culture. Editor-in-chief Jasmine Raznahan comes from a migrant background and, when searching for immigration-related charities online, came across BID’s work. She decided to organize a fundraiser to support our legal advice services for people in detention. Here are some of the designs from the collection, and their contributors’ thoughts on immigration detention.

Clara Balzary's design for the BID fundraiser collection

Artist Clara Balzary wanted her design to inspire empathy and goodwill. She said, “I’m honoured to support BID and the incredible work they are doing to help advocate for our fellow human beings. Most of us in the creative industry are so privileged to enjoy a sense of safety in our homes and communities, and I hope that we can use that privilege to support incredible organisations like this one.”

Lucy Moore's design for the BID fundraiser collection

Writer and curator Lucy Moore's design features a text written by spiritual guide Jiddu Krishnamurti. She said, “BID is an incredible charity and I hope my small contribution can make a difference.”

Saskia de Brauw's design for the BID fundraiser collection

Artist Saskia de Brauw was inspired by lucky playing cards for her design, and the things people carry with them when they have to leave a place.

She said, “In our world today, uncertainty and violence leaves many people with no other choice than to pack their belongings and leave their beloved land. One has to start somewhere else equally uncertain. People who make such bold decisions are heroes in my eyes. Being an immigrant does not make you a criminal.”

100% of the money raised through t-shirt sales will go to fund our work, including research, advocacy, and free legal advice services for people in immigration detention.

The other contributors to the collection were Chris Rhodes, Jeremy Deller, Joyce NG, Katharine Hamnett, Mark Borthwick, Mark Leckey and Walter Pfeiffer. Visit the Noon shop to view or purchase the designs.

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Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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