For the last 20 years, BID has borne witness to the daily injustices faced by immigration detainees. We have consistently held the Home Office to account while advocating to end detention and supported over 45,000 people to fight for their freedom.

We want an end to the needless suffering and trauma inflicted on migrants at the hands of the Home Office. If you do too, please consider supporting our campaign by:

1. Give an Anti-Birthday Gift

Choose a gift from our Anti-Birthday wish list to make a contribution to our work providing free legal advice to asylum seekers and migrants in detention. Gifts range from £15 to £250 and can be purchased individually or together as an office, school, class or community group.

2. Walk the Thames on 19th October 2019 

Join BID's team on Saturday, October 19 for Walk the Thames 2019.  We’re looking for volunteers (dogs welcome) to join our team and help raise funds for our work. You can choose to run or walk a whole or half marathon along the banks of the Thames. Click here to sign up or find out more.

3. Sign up to volunteer

BID is supported by an incredible team of dedicated volunteers who are deeply committed to getting justice for our clients. From pro-bono barristers to casework and policy volunteers, there are plenty of opportunities to lend your skills and experience to this vital cause. Read more about volunteering on the website.

4. Write to your MP

In the political crisis we find ourselves in, it is vitally important to protect the human rights of migrants in the UK. Use our handy template to write to your MPand explain why the cruelty and injustice that is immigration detention must end.

5. Share, share, share!

Your support means a lot to a small organisation such as us. Add your voice to the movement to end detention by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter and sharing reports and news from BID so that we can reach as many people as possible. Sign up to our mailing list to get our latest report, news and event invitations straight to your inbox.

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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