In the wake of the outcome of the general election, we know we will have our work cut out for us in the year to come. The use of detention will continue and may well increase, as the UK prepares to leave the European Union. Whatever the future brings in policy and legal terms, we will be ready for it. But we can’t do it alone. Here are six simple ways you can help:

1. Keep informed at BID events
Our first event of the year ‘Behind locked doors: Immigration detention in prisons exposed & the BID AGM’ will take place on 29th January. Book your free ticket now to join as we expose the abhorrent yet regular practice of detaining people in prison for immigration purposes.
Book now

2. Sign up for the Hackney Half
If exercise is on your list of resolutions the Hackney Half Marathon could be the perfect goal to work towards. The event is on 17th May and our team is already 10 people strong. Together we are hoping to raise an incredible £4,000 to support our work.
Sign up

3. The gift that keeps giving
Help us support people all year round by signing up as a regular donor. If you are able to support BID financially, regular donations from just £10 a month can make a massive difference to our work supporting people in detention.
Make a regular donation

4. Register as a volunteer
Each year we work with over 150 dedicated volunteers. There are a variety of ways to get involved including pro-bono legal work as well as volunteering as part of our casework, policy, communications or fundraising team. Click below to find out more.

5. Write to your newly elected MP
Help us keep detention on the agenda. What better way to induct your newly elected MP than to write to them explaining why detention is unnecessary, harmful and unjust! We’ve even created a handy template you can download here.

6. Help spread the word
Add your voice to our movement by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitterand sharing reports and news from BID so that we can reach as many people as possible. You can sign up to our mailing list to get our latest reports, news and event invitations straight to your inbox by clicking below.