Detention is extremely damaging at any time but with Covid-19 threatening to sweep through removal centres and prisons the need to release immigration detainees has never been more pressing.
In all areas of society, public health is paramount right now but in removal centres and prisons across the UK immigration detainees remain locked up for the administrative convenience of the government. We need your help to get them out.
‘If there's an outbreak in here we’ll be like sitting ducks. 80% or 90% of us will pick it up because we are all here together. If someone sneezes we’ll get it, the air is recycled, there are no windows or fresh air’ - BID client, currently detained
With confirmed Covid-19 cases in several prisons as well as Yarl's Wood and Brook House detention centres already, there is no time to waste. The government must take urgent action and release all immigration detainees. We need you to help us amplify this message. There are three things you can do.

Email your MP
Email your MP calling for the immediate release of all immigration detainees. Use our handy tool and template text to send it off in matter of minutes.

Tweet your MP
Use the template text below and this website to tweet your MP in a matter of seconds!
'As my MP, I ask you call on the gov to act now & release all immigration detainees. Failure to do so will mean detainees continue to be held in close proximity leading to a preventable Covid-19 outbreak and loss of life @BIDdetention'
Donate to BID
At present, applying for bail remains the most likely way for people to get released from detention. Donate now to help us prepare applications and provide representation to as many people as possible.
BID’s work continues and our advice line remains open. For live updates on how Covid-19 is affecting our work see here on our website.