We are twelve days into 2021, and it appears we really will have our work cut out for this year. All signs point to a ramping up of the hostile environment in the wake of the UK leaving the EU, and in the midst of a global pandemic. Only through our collective efforts will we be able to resist cruel new legislation and hold the Home Office to account, while supporting those facing detention and deportation. So here are some ways you can help:

1. Take part in our online events

Stay informed by taking part in our online events. Our first event of the year is ‘Risky business: detention decision-making during the pandemic & the BID AGM’. Book your free place to hear about the Home Office’s appalling record and their approach to detention & deportation decision-making during the pandemic.

Book now

2. Email your MP about detention in prisons

Help us keep detention on the agenda. We've written to the Home Secretary along with 40 other organisations calling on the government to end the practice of holding immigration detainees in prisons. Add your support by emailing your MP in minutes by using our handy tool.

Email you MP

3. Read with us 

Our next #BIDREAD will ‘Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of deportation to Jamaica’ by Luke de Noronha. Grab a copy, start reading and keep an eye on our posts and social media for our announcement of the author Q&A event.

Order your copy

4. Donate to BID

As a small independent charity that receives no government funding, we are incredibly reliant on the generosity of like-minded supporters to power us towards our goal of ending immigration detention. If you are able to support BID financially, one-off or regular donations can make a significant difference to our work supporting people in detention. 

Make a donation

5. Fundraise for BID

Fancy getting creative with online events? Setting a personal fitness challenge? Organising a birthday fundraiser? You can download our fundraising pack here. Let us know what you’re planning so we can support you!

Download the fundraising pack

6. Add your voice to our movement to end immigration detention

Your support means a lot to a small organisation such as us. Add your voice to the movement to end immigration detention by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter and Instagram, and sharing reports and news from BID so that we can reach as many people as possible. Sign up to our mailing list to get our latest reports, news and event invitations straight to your inbox.

Sign up to our mailing list

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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