Hear from our speakers about how people continued to be detained despite not being removable, the impact of being detained during a global pandemic, and the Home Office’s careless and error-strewn approach to detention decision-making which failed to take into account the enormity of the changes brought about by the pandemic:

  • Mr A, former client detained during the pandemic
  • Dr Juliet Cohen, Head of Doctors, Freedom from Torture 
  • Zita Holbourne, Co-Founder & National Chair of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) UK
  • Adam Spray, Legal Manager of BID's Right to Liberty project

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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