BID’s Christmas 2014 appeal, ‘Free for Christmas’, highlighted the work done by BID’s legal managers, our trained and accredited volunteer legal caseworkers, and the barristers who generously give their time to work pro bono to seek the release of parents separated by immigration detention from their children. 

BID would not be able to do the work it does, or provide legal advice and representation to as many detainees as it does, without assistance from our volunteer assistant legal caseworkers.   Our trained and accredited volunteers provide legal advice under the supervision of a legal manager, and may also provide support to legal managers at our regular bail workshops and legal surgeries for detainees held in removal centres and prisons. 

Volunteer assistant caseworkers often work with detained parents and their families over several months while we try to seek their release from detention.

Elena, a law graduate, has also completed the Bar Professional Training Course to be a barrister.

“Volunteering for BID has hugely enriched my life. In a world where power is in the hands of all the wrong people, I feel it is my obligation to help those without a voice.”

Araniya has a Master’s degree in Law and has completed the Bar Professional Training Course.

“Volunteering at BID has been the most eye-opening and satisfying experience. One of the most memorable cases was where a man, whose wife was heavily pregnant was released in time for the birth of his second child. It was wonderful to hear the elation in their voices when they realised that they would be reunited and share a new joy together after all the trauma they had overcome. Thanks to all the incredible work of everyone at BID and the pro-bono barristers, who genuinely have an altruistic commitment to human rights, there is hope even for people who feel that they have lost everything.” 

Please help BID to continue this essential work by making a donation HERE.

  • £5 could pay for one of BID’s detention and bail reference packs for an IRC or prison library for detainees to use to make their own bail applications.
  • £10 would pay the travel costs to the BID office for one volunteer assistant legal caseworker for a day.
  • £50 could pay the photocopying and postage costs of sending a copy of our client file to a solicitor handling a deportation appeal for two detained parents.

For further information contact [email protected]

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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