Read about the letter in the Guardian.

Over 70 Organisations have written to the Home Secretary calling for the creation of a Gaza Family Scheme to give temporary sanctuary and reunite Palestinian families - just as it did with the Ukraine Family Scheme.

Current, existing immigration routes are entirely insufficient and incapable of dealing with the scale of the harm. Eligible Palestinians have been unable to apply for family reunion visas as the Home Office requires biometric information from them. Biometric information that they cannot currently provide under siege. 

The letter, organised by Gaza Families Reunited, calls on the Home Office to create a family reunification scheme that would allow for trapped Gazans to escape war and be reunited with their families. The Home Office must" protect human life and the right to family unity."

Add your voice by signing the parliament petition, calling for the creation of the scheme.

Sign the petition now

Joint Letter - Gaza Families Reunited
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