Together our team has already raised over £5,000 - enough to power our advice line for four whole months.

You can sponsor the team here and read about why they're running below.

Sponsor now


"BID do the lord’s work providing legal advice, information and representation to people held up in the cruel immigration system. They also do important research, campaigning and litigation to help challenge the Hostile Environment."

Sponsor Aiyan

Arne & Wendy

"BID believes that asylum seekers and migrants in the UK have a right to liberty and access to justice and should not be subjected to immigration detention - and we believe that, too. If you can, do support us so that BID can continue to provide free legal advice, information and representation to thousands of people held in detention across the UK."

Sponsor Arne & Wendy


"BID's work is a vital part of the fight against a cruel and inhumane immigration system. Please donate to help BID continue to provide free legal advice and representation to people in detention in the UK."

Sponsor Alaa


"As an absolute non-runner I will be attempting my second half marathon of the year, for the brilliant charity Bail for Immigration Detainees. I am aiming to raise a minimum of £250 - every little counts if you are able to spare a penny or two!"

Sponsor Alice


"If, like BID, you want to see a world free of immigration detention, where people are not deprived of their liberty or deported from their homes, join our team and fundraise for us at 2024 Hackney Half!"

Sponsor Aneeka


"I am pledging to run for an incredibly sweaty 13.1 miles for BID this May, grimacing and wheezing in an undignified fashion across the flatlands of Hackney. BID is a cause worthy of all that, because every pound will help people to be released from immigration detention, a hellish place rife with abuse and injustices."

Sponsor Crispin

Dolly & Elinor

"We know there is extremely limited access to legal advice in detention. The vital work that Bail for Immigration Detainees does goes some way towards addressing this. It is so important that people have access to legal advice to help them challenge their own detention. Our fundraising target is £500: enough to keep BID's advice phone line running for two weeks!"

Sponsor Dolly & Elinor

Emi & Daisy

"As caseworkers we've witnessed first hand the transformative impact of BID's services on individuals navigating a system designed to obstruct access to support and legal counsel. In a racist system where obtaining advice and securing release from detention is an uphill battle, BID's work is essential."

Sponsor Emi & Daisy


"Legal advice and information is incredibly difficult to get hold of in detention centres. This is why BID’s work is vital - it is crucial that people have access to legal advice to help them challenge their own detention. We dream of a world free of immigration detention, where people are not deprived of their liberty or deported from their home. Protect people, not borders!"

Sponsor Esther


"BID provide free legal advice, information and representation to thousands of people held in detention across the UK. BID do amazing work, helping to work towards a world where no one is deprived of their liberty or deported from their home. I'm running the Hackney Half and trying to raise £250 for BID, any donation hugely welcome!"

Sponsor F.C


"BID and it’s exceptional team of volunteers work tirelessly to help people apply for and obtain immigration bail, reuniting them with their families, friends, and freedom. I would be so grateful for a donation to this exceptional organisation - really any help would be so appreciated."

Sponsor Grace


"Running the Hackney Half Marathon for BID to end immigration detention in the UK! Help me support freedom, justice, and empowerment. Every donation fuels the fight for a world without immigration detention. Donate now to make a difference! 🙌"

Sponsor Kieran


"Research from 2023 shows that of the 15,864 people detained in 2023, 61% were ultimately bailed, meaning that in the majority of cases, the Home Office is using its powers to detain unlawfully and excessively.  My fundraising target is £250: enough to keep BID's advice phone line running for a week" 

Sponsor Leah


"Excited to be running the Hackney Half for a charity providing legal support to those in immigration detention. Donations of all sizes will be greatly appreciated! 💕"

Sponsor Mia


"If you feel that asylum seekers and migrants in the UK have a right to liberty and access to justice, please consider donating so that BID can continue this work. No human is illegal, and no one should be deprived of their liberty merely due to their immigration status."

Sponsor Niall


"The Hackney Half is my local half marathon - thought it would be good to give a bit to a small worthwhile charity while I was at it."

Sponsor Paul

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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