We’re heartbroken that the Nationality & Borders Bill has become law but we’re not giving up. We’ve been inspired & emboldened by the thousands of people who fought against this inhumane bill. Together we make the world a better place.
We urge everyone who fought this bill not to lose sight of the power they hold to build the compassionate and supportive communities that the government is so desperate to tear apart and isolate people from.
Since 1999 BID have secured bail for over 65,000 people. The provisions in Nationality & Borders Bill will create more detainable and deportable people so support for our work from the public is more important than ever.
Here are 6 ways you can help BID today:
From funding our advice line to paying for expert reports for deportation appeals, donations to BID enable people locked up under immigration powers to exercise their human rights. Supporting BID helps to reunite families, get vulnerable people out of detention and keep people who are British in all but paperwork in the UK. Find out more about donating here.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of BID. Each year our small team are supported by over 70 volunteers. From casework volunteering to making films if you have skills you would like to turn to helping people get out of detention we want to here from you. You can find out more here on our website or email [email protected].

Join our London Legal Walk team on 28th June
On the 28th June our team and volunteers will be walking 10km to raise enough money to power advice line for a whole month. You can sign up to walk with us by emailing [email protected] or sponsor the team here.

Support local groups
From visitor groups, to anti-raids groups there are thousands of local organisations across the UK organising against inhumane immigration policies. Here are some resources to help find them:
JCWI list of organisations to support
A helpful map of local groups & services that you can support
Join our community to hear about action you can take
By signing up to our mailing list, you will be the first to hear about actions you can take support our clients. From petitions and protests to write to MP templates, we’ll keep you informed about our work and how you can help.
Represent our clients probono
BID relies wholly upon a powerhouse of pro-bono barristers who provide representation to our clients. If you’re interested in representing our clients pro-bono email [email protected].