‘Constantly on edge’: The expansion of GPS tagging and the rollout of non-fitted devices
Annual review of GPS tagging in the immigration system, 2023

Hurdle after Hurdle: The Struggle for Advice and Representation through Exceptional Case Funding
Research reveals Legal Aid process presents applicants with hurdle after hurdle to obtain legal aid & legal representation.
Micheal's comments on preventing deaths in custody
A former client of Bail for Immigration Detainees shares his experiences and what changes should be made to prevent deaths in custody.
Every Move You Make: The Human Cost of GPS Tagging in the Immigration System
New research exposes the devastating impact of GPS tagging in the Immigration System.
Catch 2022 - Accessing Immigration Legal Advice From Prison
New research shows people facing deportation or removal from the UK unable to access legal advice.
Every day is like torture": Solitary confinement & Immigration detention
New research documents the devastating impact upon immigration detainees in prisons of conditions amounting to indefinite solitary confinement.
"Excessively cruel": Detention, deportation &separated families
New research carried out by Bail for Immigration Detainees examines the devastating impact of the deportation system from the perspective of those it affects, in particular the families it forces apart and the children made to grow up without a parent.
Immigration bail hearings during the Covid-19 pandemic
BID publishes new research on immigration bail hearings during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Download the report
The Impact of Forced Family Separation on a Child
BID publishes new research to help people demonstrate to the court the impact their deportation will have upon their child.
Download the report

Legal Advice in Immigration Detention: a 10 year Review
A decade of data exposes multiple and compounding barriers to justice faced by people in detention.
Download the report
New research into detention decision-making during COVID-19 pandemic
Research reveals multiple and systemic failings in Home Office detention decision-making during COVID-19
serious concerns raised about access to justice in immigration detention
Six-monthly survey reveals serious deficiencies in the quality of legal representation in immigration detention
“Nothing good comes from detention”: Voices from Detention
Shocking testimonies reveal the cruelty of daily life in immigration detention.

Adults at Risk: the ongoing struggle for vulnerable adults in detention (summary of key findings)
A summary of the key findings of our evaluation of the 'Adults at Risk' policy in practice.
Download the key findings here

Adults at Risk: the ongoing struggle for vulnerable adults in detention (the full report)
An evaluation of the 'Adults at Risk' policy in practice: evidence from BID's case work.

Mind the Gap: Immigration Advice for Detainees in Prisons

Rough Justice - children and families affected by the 2013 legal aid cuts

No place to go: delays in Home Office provision of Section 4(1)(c) bail accommodation

Denial of Justice: the hidden use of UK prisons for immigration detention

Fractured Childhoods: the separation of families by immigration detention - Executive Summary

Fractured Childhoods: the separation of families by immigration detention - Full Report

The Liberty Deficit: long term detention & bail decision making

Positive duty of care? The mental health crisis in immigration detention

Last resort or first resort: Immigration detention of children in the UK - Executive Summary

Last resort or first resort? Immigration detention of children in the UK - Full Report

Provisional results of a survey of levels of legal representation for immigration detainees across the UK detention estate, January 2011

A nice judge on a good day: immigration bail and the right to liberty

Out of sight, out of mind: experiences of immigration detention in the UK

An evaluative report on the Millbank Alternative to Detention Pilot' by BID and The Children's Society

Refusal Factory: Women's experiences of the Detained Fast Track asylum process at Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre

Challenging Immigration Detention: a Best Practice Guide

A crying shame: pregnant asylum seekers and their babies in detention

Obstacles to accountability: challenging the immigration detention of families

Working against the clock: inadequacy and injustice in the fast track system

Fit to be detained? Challenging the detention of asylum seekers and migrants with health needs

Justice Denied: Asylum and Immigration Legal Aid - a System in Crisis

They took me away: Women's experiences of immigration detention in the UK - Executive Summary

They took me away: Women's experiences of immigration detention in the UK - Full Report

A few families too many: The detention of asylum-seeking families in the UK

Maintaining contact: What happens after detained asylum seekers get bail? A report by South Bank University, London