Our legal managers have put together the guides, fact sheets and resources below so that our legal advice can reach as many people as possible. We've organised them under the questions below to help you find the information you need:

How to get out of detention?

What is Schedule 10?

Do you have accommodation to go to if you are released on bail?

Are you (or the individual) held in prison under immigration powers?

Are you facing deportation?

Are you facing removal to Rwanda?

Are you an EU/EEA national facing deportation?

Are you a non EU/EEA national (Third Country National) facing deportation?

Do you require a travel document?

Do you require information and advice on electronic monitoring and bail?

How to prepare a Late Appeal?

Have you been released from detention and need further guidance?

Do you require any of our factsheets in other languages?

Do you require any further guidance?

What organisations can help me once I am out of detention?

How to get out of detention

Anyone can apply for bail who is in immigration detention and has been in the UK for seven days. You cannot apply for bail if you have already had a bail application within the last 28 days (and your circumstances have not significantly changed).

Our self-help guide for detainees will guide you through the bail process so that you can apply for bail yourself.

For more information download:

BID self help guide to bail - How to get out of detention - Updated January 2018

B1 Application form (PDF) - Updated January 2018

B1 Application form (Word) - Updated January 2018

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What is Schedule 10?

Schedule 10 makes major changes to the way the Home office and the tribunal consider bail applications.

For more information download:

Schedule 10, Immigration Act 2016

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Do you have accommodation to go to if you are released on bail?

The Home office states that you can make submissions by sending it a letter if you need accommodation but that it will only provide it to you if there are very exceptional reasons for it to do so.

The Home Office also states that asylum seekers and those refused asylum should contact Migrant Help for help with making an application for support that Migrant Help will send to the Home Office on your behalf.

You can contact Migrant Help's free helpline on 0808 8010 503.  They have dedicated lines for 14 different languages.

Read our fact sheet 'How to apply to the Home Office for a release address' for information on how to access Home Office accommodation on release from detention.  

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Are you (or the individual) held in prison under immigration powers?

For more information and specific guidance for individuals held in prison under immigration powers download:

Information for Immigration Detainees Held in Prisons

If you apply for release on immigration bail you must give the immigration tribunal an address where you plan to stay. If you are still under license, this address must be approved by the probation service. Please view the factsheet below explaining how to get this approval:

For more information download:

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Are you facing deportation?

We have several factsheets that will provide you with information and advice.

For more information download:

Deportation Appeals - Revoking a Deportation Order for Non EEA Nationals based on family or private life in the UK

The One Stop Notice of Decision to Deport - What it is and how to reply

Are you facing removal to Rwanda?

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer.

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer in Arabic.

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer in Farsi.

Are you an EU/EEA national facing deportation?

The following factsheets are specifically for you. For more information download:

Deportation Appeals - Deportation of Nationals of the European Union (EU)

Deportation Appeals - The EUSS (European Union Settlement Scheme): A basic guide for people with criminal convictions

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Are you a non EU/EEA national (Third Country National) facing deportation?

These factsheets can help you. For more information download:

Deportation Appeals – Preparing your Article 8 Deportation Appeal

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Do you require a travel document?

The information below explains the consequences of both cooperation and non-cooperation with Home Office steps to document people for removal. It will also provide advice for those wishing to prove that they are cooperating with the documentation process and the steps that they can take to evidence their cooperation.

For more information download:

Travel Documents, Cooperation and Non-Cooperation and Removability

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Do you require information and advice on electronic monitoring and bail?

The leaflet is for individuals applying for immigration bail or on immigration bail who are going through deportation proceedings or have a Deportation Order in force against them.

It provides an overview of the Home Office procedure on Electronic Monitoring and how to challenge its imposition. 

For more information download: 

Electronic monitoring bail condition - A Basic Guide for Individuals facing Deportation

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How to prepare a Late Appeal?

Advice for people in detention

The leaflet below explains how to make an application of appeal to the First-tier tribunal if the appeal deadline has passed. 

It is for people who are in the UK facing deportation who are held in prison or in Immigration Removal Centers. 

Late Appeals against Deportation to the Immigration Asylum Chamber - A Basic Overview.

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Have you been released from detention and need further guidance?

For more information download:

A Guide to Release from Detention – Accommodation and Financial Support Leaflet

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Do you require any further guidance?

If you require any further information or require guidance please call our advice line on 
020 7456 9750 (open Monday – Thursday 10am – 12 midday).

Click here for a list of all our self help materials.

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What organisations can help me once I am out of detention?

You can contact Samphire's Ex-Detainee Project helpline if you are in need of support on:

Mon/Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

Tel: 01304 201535

Text: 07714 490981

Freephone (landlines): 0800 9179397

Click here to find out more about this project

Additionally this map from MICLU has the details of organisations across the UK that may be able to support you.

View the map

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Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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