The last time people were detained for removal to Rwanda, we had a 100% success rate at getting them out of detention. We hope to do the same again. Here are 6 ways you can help:

1. Make a donation

We are in urgent need of donations for interpreter fees for our Rwanda Project.We are receiving calls from detained people who are panicked, terrified and confused.

Access to high-quality interpreters is vital to ensure people understand their situation, rights and the steps we are taking to try and secure their release.

Donate now

2. Act in solidarity

From charities to community groups and other organisations, people are joining together in solidarity with refugees across the UK.

We’ve linked just some of the hundreds of organisations you can support below. Keep an eye on their social media feeds for other ways you can support.

Anti-raids networks - AADD - JCWI - No Borders MCR - Right to RemainSOAS Detainee Support

3. Share information

It's vital people know how to access the wealth of support that is available. 

Migrants Organise have compiled helpful resources here.

You can find out about our Rwanda Project here.

4. Stop the airlines

“Airlines and aviation authorities should not facilitate unlawful removals to Rwanda.- UN Experts

Help build pressure to stop airlines from forcibly flying people to Rwanda.

Support Freedomfromtorture’s campaign by emailing AirTanker and their partner Jet 2.

Email AirTanker

Email Jet2

5. Sign the petition

Sign a petition started by a man threatened with removal to Rwanda. He said:

“When I served alongside the UK forces in Afghanistan, I thought the UK would always have my back. But rather than offer me safety, the UK Government sent me a letter saying I will be sent to Rwanda.”

Sign now

6. Write to your MP

Show politicians they are misguided in thinking hateful, fearmongering policies will win them votes.

Ask your MP to commit to reversing immoral & inhumane legislation that enables the Rwanda plan.

Email your MP

Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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