
Category: Access to Justice
Front cover of legal advice survey shows BID logo and title over an image of a lawyer

Front cover of legal advice survey shows BID logo and title over an image of a lawyerLegal advice survey finds low levels of representation and access to justice

Our Legal Advice Survey shows people in detention experience persistent challenges and barriers when seeking legal advice and representation.
18 Mar 2025
The image displayed is of a barbed wired fence with a view from the ground up with a blue sky There is a BID logo which stands for Bail for Immigration Detainees with words in yellow that says Double your donation to our bail solidarity fund.  Below In white is smaller writing which says: Help provide free legal advice to people in detention centers across the UK. Donations doubled for one week!

The image displayed is of a barbed wired fence with a view from the ground up with a blue sky There is a BID logo which stands for Bail for Immigration Detainees with words in yellow that says Double your donation to our bail solidarity fund.  Below In white is smaller writing which says: Help provide free legal advice to people in detention centers across the UK. Donations doubled for one week!Double your donation to our bail solidarity fund

We are hoping to raise £15,000 for our advice line which answers over 7,000 calls a year from people in detention.
3 Dec 2024
sun lit picture of someone stooping to the ground black gloves touching grey socks revealing a 24/7 GPS monitor around their ankle. Above that image is a logo of two branches on either side and in the middle is text that says " official selection" London Lift-Off Film Festival

sun lit picture of someone stooping to the ground black gloves touching grey socks revealing a 24/7 GPS monitor around their ankle. Above that image is a logo of two branches on either side and in the middle is text that says " official selection" London Lift-Off Film FestivalGPS tagging film selected for London Lift Off Film Festival

A film about our client's experience of being ankle-tagged and tracked 24/7 by the Home Office, has been nominated for a London Film Festival.
2 Dec 2024

Legal Advice Survey finds low levels of representation

Our latest Legal Advice Survey paints a stark picture of the difficulties accessing legal advice while being detained.
19 Sep 2024

Prison Legal Advice Survey finds continued low levels of representation

Our newest prison legal advice survey shows the barriers to accessing immigration legal advice whilst being detained in Prisons.
19 Sep 2024
A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf

A picture of our legal director Pierre Makhlouf Channel 4 News Feature: "What's the difference between you & the smugglers?"

Our legal director and former client speak with Channel 4 News about the damage caused by the scrapped Rwanda plan.
16 Jul 2024
an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"

an image of the front of the guide that reads "Applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer"New resource for people in detention facing removal to Rwanda

A basic guide and template for applying for time extensions to obtain legal advice from a lawyer.
15 May 2024
A black and white image of a plane flying over a fence with barbed wire

A black and white image of a plane flying over a fence with barbed wireUrgent appeal for interpreter fees for Rwanda Project

We are in urgent need of donations to cover the costs of interpreters for detained individuals facing removal to Rwanda.
2 May 2024
a bird sits on barbed wire

a bird sits on barbed wireSix ways to act in solidarity with refugees facing removal to Rwanda

There are countless ways to act in solidarity. Here are six places to start.
2 May 2024
Image of a plane flying over barbed wire

Image of a plane flying over barbed wireBID reopens project to help asylum seekers facing removal to Rwanda apply for immigration bail

In response to the government’s inhumane Rwanda policy, this project will help asylum seekers facing removal to Rwanda apply for immigration bail.
30 Apr 2024

Joint civil society statement on the Rwanda Bill for Second Reading in the House of Lords

Read our Joint Statement in coalition with more than 260 organisations calling on Peers to reject the Rwanda Bill at Second Reading.
30 Jan 2024

BID's JCHR submission opposing the Rwanda Bill

Read our written evidence for the Joint Committee on Human Rights, contesting the Rwanda plan as the bill enters parliament again.
17 Jan 2024

Annual Report wraps up 2023

We supported 1,690 people last year with free legal advice. Read our Annual Report to find out more.
20 Dec 2023
Lady justice on a pink background with writing that says “Access to justice or just an illusion?”

Lady justice on a pink background with writing that says “Access to justice or just an illusion?” Event Announcement: “Access to justice or just an illusion?”

Join us in person on 23rd January at 7pm as we expose the legal aid illusion and call for the reinstatement of Legal Aid for all immigration cases.
18 Dec 2023
Lady justice on a yellow background with writing that says Summer Legal Advice Survey August 2023

Lady justice on a yellow background with writing that says Summer Legal Advice Survey August 2023Legal Advice Survey finds low levels of representation

Our latest Legal Advice Survey paints a stark picture of the difficulties accessing legal advice while being detained.
11 Dec 2023
A volunteer wearing a headset answers a call to our advice line.

A volunteer wearing a headset answers a call to our advice line. Urgent Appeal: Help BID give free legal advice in 25+ languages

We're raising funds for interpreter fees. Give now and your donation will be doubled.
27 Nov 2023
Earls Court and Chelsea Theater Community Story-telling winner 2023

Earls Court and Chelsea Theater Community Story-telling winner 2023WE WON! GPS tagging film wins award at Earls Court International Film Festival

Our film documenting the true story of being tracked by the Home Office 24/7 has won a London Film Festival award.
22 Nov 2023
Pierre Makhlouf

Pierre MakhloufWatch back: Overview of detention & bail

An overview of detention & bail by our Legal Director Pierre Makhlouf.
21 Nov 2023
Earls court international film festival

Earls court international film festivalGPS tagging film selected for Earls Court International Film Festival

From surveillance to silver screen: victims of arbitrary Home Office tagging nominated for London film award
15 Nov 2023
Supreme Court

Supreme CourtJoint civil society statement on the Supreme Court ruling on Rwanda

BID joined JCWI & 129 civil society organisations to welcome the Supreme Court's decision on the Rwanda plan & raise concerns for the future.
15 Nov 2023

ECF funding process leads to systemic inequalities & impedes access to justice

New research reveals Legal Aid process presents applicants with hurdle after hurdle to obtain legal aid & legal representation.
7 Nov 2023

BID statement on Brook House Inquiry

Our statement on the first public inquiry into abuse and mistreatment of people held in detention.
28 Sep 2023
men in detention

men in detentionHorror stories about migrant detention centres are true: as I learned the hard way

Our former speaks out about his experience of Immigration detention in response to the Brook House inquiry in the Independent.
26 Sep 2023
artistic depiction of someone on gps tag

artistic depiction of someone on gps tagFor migrants under 24/7 surveillance, the UK feels like ‘an outside prison’

Our former client speaks to coda news about his experience of being forced to wear a GPS tag by the Home Office.
26 Sep 2023

Ten reasons to bin the Illegal Migration Bill

With the dystopian Illegal Migration Bill at the House of Lords stage, we share ten reasons why the Lords must #BinTheBill.
11 May 2023

BID's 'Illegal Migration Bill' Briefing

Read our clause by clause breakdown of this inhumane Bill & why it must be resisted.
3 Apr 2023

“We ran for our lives. Now the Home Office has the power of life or death over us.”

On International Women’s Day, a member of All African Women’s Group shares their exhausting battle to claim asylum & access legal advice in the UK.
8 Mar 2023

"Living in dark rooms": Voices from Yarl’s Wood

On World Day of Social Justice we’re sharing the words of our clients locked up at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre.
20 Feb 2023
the right hand side with the details of our latest webinar. it reads 'no more detention centres: resisting the expansion of the detention estate' and 7:00pm | 24th Jan | Online in smaller text just below it.

the right hand side with the details of our latest webinar. it reads 'no more detention centres: resisting the expansion of the detention estate' and 7:00pm | 24th Jan | Online in smaller text just below it. Join us for 'No More Detention Centres' at 7pm on 24th January

Book your free place to join us to learn about the proposed expansion of immigration detention in the UK and how we can resist it.
10 Jan 2023
front cover of BID's legal Advice Survey. The left hand column has a dark blue background and white text with BID's logo and 'Autumn Legal Advice Survery' and the 'December 2022' underneath it. The right hand column is a grey scale image of the Royal Courts of Justice's logo on their building

front cover of BID's legal Advice Survey. The left hand column has a dark blue background and white text with BID's logo and 'Autumn Legal Advice Survery' and the 'December 2022' underneath it. The right hand column is a grey scale image of the Royal Courts of Justice's logo on their buildingSerious concerns about the quality of legal advice available in detention centres

Key findings from the Legal Advice Survey gives rise to serious concerns about the quality of legal advice available.
15 Dec 2022
black outline of a person feeling defeated. on the left hand right there is text on top of a black background which says 'ignored in the dark: a sister's account of 'inhumane' treatment during harmondsworth power cut'.

black outline of a person feeling defeated. on the left hand right there is text on top of a black background which says 'ignored in the dark: a sister's account of 'inhumane' treatment during harmondsworth power cut'. Ignored in the dark: A sister’s account of “inhumane” treatment during Harmondsworth power cut

This powerful account from our client's sister lays bare the inhumane treatment people were subjected to during the power cut.
10 Nov 2022
Photo of Isaac Ricca-Righardson,  a pro bono barrister for BiD, sitting outside on some rocks. He is wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and dark trousers.

Photo of Isaac Ricca-Righardson,  a pro bono barrister for BiD, sitting outside on some rocks. He is wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and dark trousers. "A complete lack of humanity" Pro bono barrister Isaac on why he represents BID's clients

For pro bono week 2022, barrister Isaac Ricca-Richardson reflects on why he volunteers his time to advocate for BID's clients.
8 Nov 2022
image of a grey fence against a blue sky. behind it there is another fence in the background

image of a grey fence against a blue sky. behind it there is another fence in the backgroundBID challenges Home Office over access to justice failure at Manston asylum centre

BID has sent a pre-action letter to the Home Office challenging their failure to provide access to justice for people held at Manston asylum centre.
7 Nov 2022
still from our film 'I need air'. A man is looking outside his window onto his garden with his back to us. He is wearing a dark hoodie.

still from our film 'I need air'. A man is looking outside his window onto his garden with his back to us. He is wearing a dark hoodie.BID's film 'I Need Air' selected for Three Film Festivals

Film documenting the experience of detention in prison will be shown on the big screen to audiences around the UK.
3 Nov 2022
cover of our how to get out of detention guide. it is a drawing of around 8 people wearing orange life jackets on a raft in the ocean. One man is holding two children

cover of our how to get out of detention guide. it is a drawing of around 8 people wearing orange life jackets on a raft in the ocean. One man is holding two childrenHelp transform our ‘How To Get Out of Detention’ guide

Help us create an accessible version of this crucial resource.
3 Nov 2022

Film documents Omar's experience of being locked in a cell for 22-23 hours a day for over a year

Watch “I need air” a short documentary by Omar, Yasmine Jessy Amar & Bail for Immigration Detainees.
1 Sep 2022

BID launches project to help asylum seekers facing deportation to Rwanda apply for immigration bail

In response to the government’s inhumane Rwanda policy, this project will help asylum seekers facing deportation to Rwanda apply for immigration bail.
11 Aug 2022

HMIP inspection of Colnbrook demonstrates appalling failings

Report demonstrates multiple failings in a centre where many people facing removal to Rwanda are now held.
11 Jul 2022

What is GPS tagging & how does it affect people's lives?

BID's Rudy Schulkind explains in this short video.
5 Jul 2022

Harmful & discriminatory: The lack of face-to-face legal advice for women at Derwentside IRC

On International Women's Day Agnes & Gemma from Women for Refugee Women expose the realities faced by women locked up at Derwentside IRC.
8 Mar 2022

BID & Medical Justice Respond to the Prisons Strategy White Paper

Read BID & Medical Justice's Response to the Prisons Strategy White Paper.
9 Feb 2022

Eight reasons why the Home Office can't be trusted with more power

The Nationality & Borders Bill is making its way through the House of Lords but the Home Office can't be trusted with more power.
27 Jan 2022

New research: ​"Every day is like torture": Solitary confinement & Immigration detention

New research documents the devastating impact upon immigration detainees in prisons of conditions amounting to indefinite solitary confinement.
8 Jul 2021

Legal Advice in Detention - A 10 Year Review

A decade of data exposes multiple and compounding barriers to justice faced by people in detention.
4 Feb 2021

BID’s evidence to the Independent Review of Administrative Law

Read BID's submissions on the future of judicial review & the future of legal aid
12 Nov 2020

“Life after Detention” BID volunteer Charlotte writes for the Justice Gap

Three stories reflecting an immigration system that inflicts so much harm with such little compassion
28 May 2020

BID speaks to the Independent about the use of immigration detention during covid-19 travel ban

BID were asked to comment on the continued presence of hundreds of migrants in IRCs when there is no prospect of removal due to coronavirus travel ban
27 May 2020

Independent Inquiry into Brook House launches call for evidence

Inquiry investigating the mistreatment of detainees at Brook House IRC launches call for evidence. Read the full statement.
22 Apr 2020

BID signs Runnymede Trust’s Open Letter 'Windrush: 10 urgent recommendations'

BID joins organisations urging the government to implement 10 recommendations following the Windrush Review.
14 Apr 2020

"Disposable lives" immigration detainees and COVID-19: BID's Rudy Schulkind writes for openDemocracy

Despite the health crisis, detention centres are still running. Rudy outlines how the plight of immigration detainees is highlighted during COVID-19.
14 Apr 2020

Legal Advice Survey shows failings in access to justice for immigration detainees

Research published today based on the testimony of 90 people in detention gives rise to serious concerns about the quality of legal advice available.
6 Feb 2020

BID & Medical Justice submit evidence to the United Nations ICCPR review of the UK

BID & Medical Justice lay out urgently needed reforms in their joint submission to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
14 Jan 2020

Plans to rip-up Human Rights and Judicial Review and why they must be resisted

​Today on #HumanRightsDay we raise the alarm about threats to the Human Rights Act and Judicial Review
10 Dec 2019

Brook House investigation powers extended by high court judge

The high court has ruled that an investigation into systemic abuse at Brook House immigration removal centre must have the power to compel witnesses.
28 Jun 2019

Exploring calls for time limits on immigration detention

BID trustee Kezia Tobin discusses the recent calls for time limits on immigration detention.
17 Jun 2019

BID’s longest-serving client: Detained for two years and ‘no risk of offending’

BID Director Celia Clarke writes for the Justice Gap after one of our tweets captured the public's attention.
6 Jun 2019

Serious concerns raised about access to justice in immigration detention

Six-monthly survey reveals serious deficiencies in the quality of legal representation in immigration detention
29 May 2019

How the UK government detains and deports parents

Today on International Day of Families, our Legal Manager Nick explains how the Home Office fails families by detaining and deporting parents.
15 May 2019

BID's Celia Clarke comments on the separation of families in the Independent

BID's comment on the case of a woman facing deportation, despite having two British children who would have to be taken into care as a result.
23 Apr 2019

“Careless and cavalier” Home Affairs Select Committee slams immigration detention

Home Affairs Select Committee slams immigration detention system and Home Office management of it as witnesses give compelling evidence.
21 Mar 2019
Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) is a registered Charity No. 1077187. Registered in England as a Limited Company No. 03803669. Accredited by the Immigration Advice Authority Ref. No. N200100147. We are a member of the Fundraising Regulator, committed to best practice in fundraising and follow the standards for fundraising as set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice.
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